Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition & Construction – Recommendations
Tree Surveys to BS5837 – 2012
Do you have trees on site or in close proximity to your site? If so, it is highly likely that the LPA will expect a Tree Survey in accordance with British Standard – BS5837/2012
Tree surveys are the first step in the arboricultural process. All our tree surveys are completed in accordance with British Standard 5837 (2012) ‘Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition & Construction – Recommendations’.
One of our Arboricultural Surveyors will attend site and gather a range of data regarding the trees within or close to the development site including: species, condition, height, crown spread and stem diameter.
Completing a tree survey early in the process can prevent inappropriate tree retention and allow the development to be designed to retain the most valuable specimens and prevent conflict of trees with the new development.
In addition to undertaking site visits, Ecological Surveys Ltd, also undertake desktop surveys to check if any of the trees surveyed are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO) or if the site is situated in a Conservation Area. This identifies any likely constraints for the development with regards to trees at the earliest opportunity.
Conducting a Tree Survey concurrently with an Ecological Survey will save you money and help ensure that the combined process is ‘joined up’ and complimentary.
For instance what happens if your Arboriculturist recommends removal and the Ecologist recommends retention?
Protected Species legislation will ordinarily out weigh any other considerations and that includes, listed building legislation and tree removal, unless for Health and Safety and even then, only if it can be proven that the risk is imminent or immediate, not next week or sometime in the future.
As with most aspects of planning, it is best not to wait until you are told to provide a report at validation stage as an otherwise avoidable delay will be incurred.
If in doubt, speak to us without delay.
Please contact us for a site specific quotation –
Please call us on 0800 888 6846 / 07736 458609